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Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index
Tonight 29 Clouds Early / Clearing Late
Slight chance of a rain shower.
50° 15% 14 mph NNE NNE -
Tomorrow 32 Sunny 71° 3% 12 mph NE NE
Tomorrow night 29 Partly Cloudy 49° 6% 9 mph ENE ENE -
Thursday 39 PM Showers 76° 0.07in 51% 9 mph S S
Thursday night 11 Showers 58° 0.07in 39% 8 mph SSW SSW -
Friday 30 Partly Cloudy
A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible.
77° 24% 6 mph SSW SSW
Friday night 29 Partly Cloudy 56° 22% 6 mph E E -
Saturday 30 Partly Cloudy
Slight chance of a rain shower.
80° 17% 10 mph SE SE
Saturday night 29 Partly Cloudy 59° 16% 8 mph WSW WSW -
Sunday 34 Mostly Sunny
Slight chance of a rain shower.
81° 20% 10 mph WNW WNW
Sunday night 45 Showers Late 59° 0.05in 37% 8 mph ESE ESE -